Access to Innovative and Curative TherapiesVIRTUAL CONFERENCENovember 5-7, 2020
Accès aux thérapies novatrices et curativesCONGRÈS VIRTUELDu 5 au 7 novembre 2020
Many innovative and curative therapies are coming to market for rare blood disorders, but will they be available to Canadian patients?
What can patient groups do to ensure access to innovative and curative therapies?
These questions were explored over two days of interactive and engaging sessions.
What can patient groups do to ensure access to innovative and curative therapies?
These questions were explored over two days of interactive and engaging sessions.
Thank you to all who contributed to the success of this virtual conference. Below you will find the program and videos of all the key notes and sessions.
Slide decks are also available on request.
Slide decks are also available on request.
Conference Program:
Conference Videos:
Day 1 - Welcome
Day 1 - Keynote: A New Era of Personalized Healthcare
Day 1 - Session 1: Gene Therapies
Day 1 - Session 2: Domestic and International Clinical Trials
Day 2 - Keynote
Day 2 - Session 3: Access to Innovative and Curative Therapies (Part 1)
Day 2 - Session 4: Access to Innovative and Curative Therapies (Part 2) and Wrap-Up